Our Recruiters
Recruiters List and Linkages/Tie-Ups
Sl. No. |
Name of the Company/ Industry |
Linkage/Tie-Ups |
1 |
Rajarshi Shahu Credit Cooperative Society, Ambajogai |
2 |
CA Amol Kabra and Associates |
3 |
Sunrich Aqua Pvt. Ltd., Latur |
4 |
Shreeja Polymers, Latur |
5 |
N. N. Rathi and Associates |
6 |
Shravani Constructions, Latur |
7 |
Poonam Agro Industries, Latur |
8 |
Mahesh Agro Industries, Latur |
9 |
Gopal Industries, Latur |
10 |
Kishor Agro Industries, Latur |
11 |
K.K. Industries, Latur |
12 |
Kancha foods, Latur |
13 |
Regal Technology, Pune |
View |
14 |
B. R. Industries, Latur |