- Introduction
- Courses
- Staff Details
- Student Strength
- Result
- Workshop / Seminars
- Research
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- Best Practices
- Events / Photo Gallery
Establishment :
स्थापना : महाविद्यालय में हिंदी विभाग की स्थापना सन १९६० में हुई थी| इस विभाग के प्रथम विभागाध्यक्ष जेष्ठ साहित्यिक प्रा.रंगनाथ तिवारी रहे हैं | |
Tenure of the H.O.D.
Mission नेट/सेट परीक्षा की ओर विध्याठीयों को आकर्षित करना| शोधाठीयों में शोध के प्रति रुचि निर्माण कर शोध के लिये प्रेरित करना| |
Objectives / Goals 1.हिंदी राष्ट्रभाषा का प्रचार –प्रसार करना| 2.हिंदी भाषा प्रयोग क्षेत्रो से परिचित कराना | 3.हिंदी साहित्य की विविध विधायों का ज्ञान संवर्धन करना| 4.भाषा के मानक रूप से अवगत करना| 5.बहुआयामी व्यक्तित्व निर्माण करना| 6.आत्मनिर्भर बनणे के लिए प्रवृत्त करना| 7.छात्रो में नितीमुल्यों का विकास करना| 8.छात्रो के व्यक्तित्व विकास के लिए विविध प्रतीयोगीतायों का आयोजन करना| |
Head of Department (Present)
Name : Dr. Rathod G.I. |
Education : M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. |
Contact : 8275058692 |
Graduate Level Course
Sr. No. | Name of Courses/ Program | Duration | Eligibility | Intake Capacity |
1 | B.A. Subject – Hindi | 3 Yrs | 12th Pass | 180 |
Postgraduate Level Course
Sr. No. | Name of Courses/ Program | Duration | Eligibility | Intake Capacity |
1 | M.A.- Hindi | 2 Yrs | Graduate with Hindi Subject | 120 |
Staff Details
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Qualification | Experience (yrs) |
1. | Dr. Rathod G.I. | Asso.Prof., H.O.D. | M.A.,M.Phil., Ph.D. | 25 Yrs. |
2. | Dr. Bade R.S. | Asst. Prof. | M.A.NET,B.Ed.,M.Phil , Ph.D. | 02 Yrs |
Student Strength
Under Graduate (2016-17)
B.A.-I | 48 |
B.A.-II | 35 |
B.A.-III | 11 |
Total | 94 |
Post Graduate (2016-17)
M.A. | 27 |
M.A. | 23 |
Total | 50 |
Result for the year 2018 to 2023
Papers presented in International, National and State Level Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops
Sr. No. | Faculty Name | Name of the Paper | Name of the Seminars/Conferences/Workshops | Organizer & Date | Level
1 | डॉ.गणपत राठोड | उपन्यासों में नारी, महामानवों का योगदान | Seminar &Conferences | June 2015 | National |
राष्ट्रीय स्वाभिमान और नारी | 2016 | inernational | |||
इक्कीसवी सदि की स्त्री | Jun 2016 | National | |||
विपात्र दरमीयानी का दर्द | 2017 | ||||
2 | डॉ.राम बडे | भाषा समाज और समकालीन साहित्य | ज्ञानदेव मोहेकर महाविद्यालय,कलम | Jan.27/28 /
2017 |
National |
वैस्वीकरण के परीप्रक्ष्य में संत साहित्य की प्रासंगिकता | प्रतिष्ठान महाविद्यालय, पैठण | Mar.20/21/
2017 |
National | ||
लोकसाहित्य के पमुख क्षेत्र | स्वा.रा.ती. महाविद्यालय, अंबाजोगाई | Mar.31
2017 |
National | ||
कामकाजी महिलाओ का व्योन उत्पीडन | रमेश वरपूडकर महाविद्यालय,सोनपेठ | Jul.2017 | National |
1. Research Guidance
Sr. No. | Name of Scholar | Title | Date of Registration | Name of Supervisor | Status | Evidences | |
1. |
2. Research Project
Sr. No. | Name of the Teacher | Project Title | Name of Funding Agency | Duration of the Project | Amount | Status | Evidences |
1. |
3. Research Publication
A. Research Papers in Peer-Reviewed or UGC listed Journals
Sr. No. | Title of the Paper | Journal Name, Page No. | ISSN/ISBN No. | Impact Factor | No. of Co-Authors | ||
B. Books Published
Sr. No. | Name of the Teacher/ Authors | Title of the Book | Name of Publication | Year of Publication | ISBN | Scanned copy of Front and Last page of Book | |
1. |
C. Chapters Published in Books
Sr. No. | Name of the Teacher/ Authors | Title of the Book | Title of Chapters | Year of Publication | ISBN | Scanned copy of Front and Last page of Book | |
1. |
D. Editor of Book with ISSN / ISBN by National Publisher
Sr. No. | Title of the Book | Publisher Name and ISSN/ISBN No. | International/ National Publisher | ||||
E. Translation works in Indian and Foreign Languages by Qualified Faculties
Sr. No. | Original Title of Chapter or Research Paper/ Book with Page No. and ISSN/ISBN No. | Name of Original Author | Translated Title of Chapter or Research Paper/ Book with Page No. and ISSN/ISBN No. | ||||
4. Creation of ICT mediated Teaching Learning Pedagogy and Content
Sr. No. | Title of Innovative Pedagogy | Sponcered agency (If any) | Types of Teaching-learning Environments : Face-to-face/ Networked/ Open and Distance/ Virtual / if any | Specify ICTs resources : web link : YouTube Videos-Audios/ Smart Classroom / Simulation Games/ Blogging / Online Discussion Forums / Telecasts/ Pictures/ Models/ Charts | Date of approval from authority | Date of Implementation | |
5. Awards / Fellowship
Sr. No | Name of Award / Fellowship | Date of Received | International/National/ State | Name of Awardees Academic Body/ Association | |||
6. Invited lectures / Resource Person / Paper presentation in seminars / Conferences/ Full Papers in conference Proceedings
Sr. No. | Name | Level | Date | No. of Participants | Report with Photographs | ||